Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Update on the vet visit

So the vet came out this afternoon to check on Izzy. Last night she didn't have much of an appetite and this morning her sniffle and runny nose were worse. The vet said she looked and sounded great, but they ran her blood again just to make sure. I haven't gotten the results on her blood work back yet, but if I don't hear back soon I'll call to make sure. If the blood comes back normal, the vet says she's probably allergic to something. If that's the case, we'll go from there. If her blood comes back abnormal, they'll start her on antibiotics. She was started on probiotics for her tummy issue, and so far it seems to be helping.

We took her out side this evening to get some fresh air and she is so full of herself! She had a ton of fun "teasing" the neighbor's mares. She would run to the fence, whinny and then run away. She sure had fun getting them all wound up :)

Funny Story:

Last night I was sleeping on the couch and I had the door to the mudroom open (for those of you who don't know, our living room adjoins to the mudroom - which is where Izzy is staying. She has a stall built inside the mudroom with rubber mats and straw). I had the automatic light on so that if she woke up, I would see it and get up and feed her. Well, I dozed off and all the sudden there was a foal in my living room asking for her bottle :) Never in a million years did I think I'd have a foal..let alone one in my living room!

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