Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Baby

Hello, it's been a few days since I last made a post. Isabel is doing great, she's really feisty and loving life at the barn. The last two days have been really yucky here in Virginia, so she's been kept inside for the most part. It doesn't seem to phase her too much, Dover Saddlery donated a scented Jolly Ball and she has been very entertained while inside. (See video below)

She is no longer hungry every hour (thank goodness), she's eating about every hour and a half to two hours! I started working on the bucket with her (again), but nothing worked. I skipped two feedings this morning and put the bucket in around 12. She knows what a bucket is, she drinks water out of her big bucket and I showed it to her and she sniffed it a few times. I went back at two to check on her and she had thrown the bucket across the stall, spilling formula everywhere. I set up another bucket after trying to get her to drink from it; dipping her mouth in, putting the nipple in the milk (which she played with), and using the rag trick. Nothing worked and she ended up dumping the bucket all over me. It's quite expensive to keep wasting so much formula, so I decided to go ahead and get stuff to make a feeder to attach to the wall. We're going to go try that in the next hour, so hopefully I'll have a video or picture to share of that.

Other than the feeding issues, she is doing great. We're thrilled with her progress physically, and hope she continues to progress.

Thanks to all the wonderful donors,
I have written the last check out to pay her current vet bills!

(Donations can still be made for her medical fund or you can donate money for formula or medicine. She goes through one container every week to week and a half!)

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