Friday, April 1, 2011

6:30 AM, Day Three

Fever was down significantly :) doing much better and can lay down on her own without taking 5-10 minutes to process what her body wants her to do.

She's already growing! My mom went down this morning after her first full night of sleep since she came and came up shouting "Izzy has grown!". She's changing so quickly it's unbelievable.

Shout outs to all the volunteers, donors and babysitters; Dover Saddlery, Joye, The McGee's, The Brannock's, Paula, Holly and Kimberly.


  1. She is amazing! When she is hungry, she really drinks alot - just like me... Thanks to all our neighbors; y'all rock.

  2. So glad she's doing better! :)

  3. I have raised orphan foals without a nursemare. Ask your vet about raw goat milk. I've fed it along with formula and have noticed positive changes from it. An old school, road warrior vet recommended this as a supplement to formula.

    Hang in there, it's hard work and wonderful when they are finally bucking and squealing like the other foals.

    Good luck!
